Monday, December 30, 2019
It s Not About The Broccoli Three Habits - 3134 Words
One of the toughest things parents have to face every day is getting their children to eat right at the dinner table. Breakfast, lunchtime, and dinnertime to some families can be stressful times of the day because the parents and the children just cannot seem to agree on what the children should eat, why they should eat it, how much they should eat, and when they should eat. Many parents know what their children should eat, but just do not know how to get their children to actually eat them. In the book, It s Not About the Broccoli: Three Habits to Teach Your Kids for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating, Dina Rose insists that the only way to get children to eat what you want them to eat is to move away from the nutrition mindsetâ€â€that is solely†¦show more content†¦About The Author Dina Rose, PhD, is an experienced, researcher, teacher, and public speaker who has helped many parents think more about shaping their children’s behaviors using her teaching method than thinking about nutrition. She is a sociologist, parent educator, feeding expert, active blogger on her own website, and writer for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Dina’s mother had passed away from an illness related to obesity when Dina was five months pregnant with her daughter. The premature death of her mother and the birth of her daughter pushed her to develop her passion to teach healthy eating habits to her own daughter and to other children. How Focusing on Nutrition Leads to Poor Habits Dina Rose first explains what is wrong with the nutrition mindset and how it leads parents to fall into traps that ultimately lead to inadvertently teaching children bad eating habits, instead of good ones. I can honestly admit to falling into these traps myself (and can admit for my mother that she falls into these traps as well). The first trap that leads to bad eating habits is parents being selectively attentive to the ingredients in certain foods that that are good while totally discounting the bad qualities of that food. For example, some parents zero in on the calcium their children get from eating mac ‘n’ cheese and overlook the extremely high amount of sodium in it. Another nutrition trap parents do not realize they fall into is
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Technology
The Advantages and disadvantages of communication technology. As a very young child I recall my mother trying to get in contact with a family member in Co. Donegal. The lady she was trying to track down did not have a telephone so the means of contact were very awkward. She had to write a letter to the lady first and foremost and ask her to get in contact. After about 3 days the lady called my mother from a payphone in the town. In order for this woman to call she had to cycle 2 miles into the nearest town. Last year my parents went to spend Christmas in Australia with cousins and on Christmas day at 10.00 Irish time I was able to speak to them and see them via Skype in 21.00 Australian time. Skype is a program that allows a person†¦show more content†¦Communication - With the help of information technology, communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending them an email for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of video conferencing. Bridging the cultural gap - CT has helped to bridge the cultural gap by helping people from different cultures to communicate with one another, across both geographical and also language barriers with the advent of high speed wireless connections and language converting software programmes. More time - IT has made it possible for businesses to be open twenty four hours a day seven days a week all over the globe. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle. Creation of new jobs - Probably the best advantage of information technology is the creation of new and interesting jobs. Computer programmers, Systems analysers, Hardware and Software developers and Web designers are just some of the many new employment opportunities created with the help of IT amp; CT. Some disadvantages ofShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Communication Technology9782 Words  | 40 Pagesare expected to be paid after one year. Examples include bonds, long-term notes, and lease obligations. (b) Bonds are a form of interest-bearing notes payable used by corporations, universities, and governmental agencies. 2. (a) The major advantages are: (1) Stockholder control is not affectedâ€â€bondholders do not have voting rights, so current stockholders retain full control of the company. (2) Tax savings resultâ€â€bond interest is deductible for tax purposes; dividends on stock are not. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Lolo Free Essays
Tutorial (Week 2) ISYS224 Answer the following questions: 1 List four examples of database systems. 2 Discuss each of the following terms: Data, Database, Database Management System, Data Independence, Security, Integrity and Views. 3 Describe the approach taken to the handling of data in the early file-based systems. We will write a custom essay sample on Lolo or any similar topic only for you Order Now Discuss the disadvantages of this approach. 4 Describe the main characteristics of the database approach and contrast it with the file-based approach. 5 Discuss the roles of the following personnel in the database environment: Data Administrator Database Administrator Logical Database Designer Physical Database Designer Application Developer End-Users 6 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of database management systems. 7 Discuss the concept of data independence and explain its importance in a database environment. 8 To address the issue of data independence, the ANSI-SPARC three-level architecture was proposed. Compare and contrast the three levels of this model. 9 What is a data model? Discuss the main types of data models. 0 Describe the types of facility you would expect to be provided in a multi-user DBMS. 11 Of the facilities described in your answer to Question 10, which ones do you think would not be needed in a standalone PC DBMS? Provide justification for your answer. 12 Consider a two-dimensional integer array of size m? n that is to be used in your favourite programming language. Using this array as an example, illustrate the difference (a) between the three levelsof data abstraction, and (b) between a schem a and an instance. How to cite Lolo, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Voice Recognition free essay sample
Introduction Inhalant problem How to Compare Recordings Dependence of systems accuracy Algorithm Instruction Source Code Software Requirements Hardware Requirements References The project Attendance through Voice Recognition is a tool that can help an organization or academic Institute to have attendance of their employee or students and also the faculty members. Let also record the time and date at which the member is present. This project allows a organization or academic institute to overcome the problem of proxy to a great extend.Many organization is facing the problem of proxy. Employee may mark their attendance by some other guy and the organization may not detect it because there is no such process of verification and it is difficult to recognize the face or voice of every person. The same situation Is their In academic Institute also. The faculty member may mark their attendance though they are late or absent from the institute by some other colleagues which is a common scenario in a government institute. The faculty members can also get help from this software by detecting proxy of students also.The Project actually describes the process behind Implementing a voice recognition algorithm In MUTUAL. The algorithm utilizes the Discrete Fourier Transform In order to compare the frequency spectra of two voices. Cubbyholes Inequality is then used to determine (with reasonable certainty) whether two voices came from the same person or not. If the two voices matches each other than a present is marked in the attendance register I. E in a database and with that present, the date and time of attendance Is also stored.Speech is a natural mode of communication for people. We learn all the relevant skills during early childhood, without instruction, and we continue to rely on speech immunization throughout our lives. It comes so naturally to us that we dont realize how complex a phenomenon speech is. The human vocal tract and articulators are biological organs with nonlinear properties, whose operation is not Just under conscious control but also affected by factors ranging from gender to upbringing to emotional state.As a result, visualization can vary widely in terms of their accent, pronunciation, articulation, roughness, nasality, pitch, volume, and speed; moreover, during transmission, our irregular speech patterns can be further distorted by aground noise and echoes, as well as electrical characteristics (if telephone s or other electronic equipment are used). All these sources of variability make speech recognition, even more than speech generation, a very complex problem.A human can easily recognize a familiar voice however, getting a computer to distinguish a particular voice among others is a more difficult task. Immediately, several problems arise when trying to write a voice recognition algorithm. The majority of these difficulties are due to the fact that it is almost impossible to say a rod exactly the same way on two different occasions. Some factors that continuously change in human speech are how fast the word is spoken, emphasizing different parts of the word, etc Furthermore, suppose that a word could in fact be said the same way on different occasions, then we would still be left with another major dilemma. Namely, in order to analyze two sound files in time domain, the recordings would have to be aligned Just right so that both recordings would begin at precisely the same moment. Frequency Domain Given the difficulties mentioned in the above paragraph, one thing becomes very evident. That is, any attempt to analyze sounds in time domain will be extremely impractical.Instead, this led us to analyze the frequency spectra of a voice which remains predominately unchanged as speech is slightly varied. We then effectively utilized the Discrete Fourier Transform to convert all recording into frequency domain before any comparisons were made. Working in frequency domain eliminates the necessity to exactly align audio tracks in order to make a comparison. Finding a Norm Due to nature of human speech, all data pertaining to frequencies above GHz can feely be discarded.It then followed that our files could actually be regarded as vectors in 600-dimensional Euclidean space. After normalizing our vectors, we then took the norm of the difference of two frequency spectra as way of comparing the comparing and contrasting the use of the L 1, LA, and Lam norms, we concluded that the LA norm most accurately measured how close the frequency spectra were in to different vectors. At this point, all that remained was to decide exactly how small the norm of the difference of two frequency spectra had to be in order to determine that tooth recordings originated from the same person.Cubbyholes Inequality Recall that Cubbyholes Inequality states that in particular, at least 3/4 of all measurements from the same population fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean. Hence, in response to the problem posed at the end of the previous paragraph, we the n formed the following solution: By requiring that the norm of the difference fall within 2 standard deviations of the normal average voice, we were then ensured that at least 3/4 of the time, the algorithm would recognize a voice correctly. Dependence of systems accuracy:The accuracy of voice recognition depends on many factors. A systems accuracy depends on the conditions under which it is evaluated: under sufficiently narrow conditions almost any system can attain human-like accuracy, but its much harder to achieve good accuracy under general conditions. The conditions of evaluation and hence the accuracy of any system can vary along the following dimensions: Vocabulary size and accountability. As a general rule, it is easy to discriminate among a small set of words, but error rates naturally increase as the vocabulary size grows.For example, the 10 digits zero to nine can be recognized essentially perfectly , but vocabulary sizes of 200, 5000, or 100000 may have error rates of 3%, 7%, or 45%. On the other hand, even a small vocabulary can be hard to recognize if it contains confusable words. For example, the 26 letters of the English alphabet (treated as 26 words) are very difficult to discriminate because they contain so many confusable words (most notoriously, the E-set: B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V, Z); a n 8% error rate is considered good for this vocabulary Speaker dependence vs.. Independence.By definition, a speaker dependent system is intended for use by a single speaker, but a speaker independent system is intended for use by any speaker. Speaker independence is difficult to achieve because a systems parameters become tuned to the speaker(s) that it was trained on, and these parameters tend to be highly speaker-specific. Isolated, discontinuous, or continuous speech. Isolated speech means single words; discontinuous speech means full sentences in which words are artificially separated by silence; and continuous speech means naturally spoken sentences.Isolated and discontinuous speech recognition is relatively easy because word boundaries are detectable and the words tend to be cleanly pronounced. Task and language constraints. Even with a fixed vocabulary, performance will vary with the nature of constraints task-dependent (for example, an relinquishing application may dismiss the hypothesis The apple is red); other constraints may be semantic (rejecting The apple is angry), or syntactic (rejecting Red is apple the).Constraints are often represented by a grammar, which ideally filters out unreasonable sentences so that he speech recognizer evaluates only plausible sentences. Grammars are usually rated by their perplexity, a number that indicates the grammars average branching factor (I. E. , the number of words that can follow any given word). The difficulty of a task is more reliably measured by its perplexity than by its vocabulary size. Read vs. . Spontaneous speech. Systems can be evaluated on speech that is either read from prepared scripts, or speech that is uttered spontaneously.Spontaneous speech is vastly more difficult, because it tends to be peppered with discusses like uh and um, false starts, incomplete sentences, stuttering, coughing, and laughter; and moreover, the vocabulary is essentially unlimited, so the system must be able to deal intelligently with unknown words (e. G. , detecting and flagging their presence, and adding them to the vocabulary, which may require some interaction with the user). Adverse conditions. A systems performance can also be degraded by a range of adverse conditions. These include environmental noise (e. G. Noise in a car or a factory); acoustical distortions (e. G, echoes, room acoustics); different microphones (e. G. Close-speaking, unidirectional, or telephone); limited frequency bandwidth (in telephone transmission); and altered speaking manner (shouting, whining, speaking quickly, etc. ). Algorithm Instructions The project contain a folder named Mutual Files contains 10 audio recordings of the person whose voice is to be recognized. Every person should record his 10 voice saying his name. Also, that folder contains two m-files. These two files are project. M and voice. M. Project. Is the voice recognition program that accomplishes the goals of the class project. The script file project. M can be ran in the command window in Mutual. Please ensure that the directory in Mutual is set to the directory that contains project. M and the audio recordings. Once project. M is ran in Mutual, it will then ask you to Enter the name that must be recognized. Then type in the name that has to be recognized but the name that is typed must have its recorded voice in the audio folder. After that, the program will let you know that you have 2 seconds to record yourself saying The name.
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