Friday, November 29, 2019
Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism Essay Example
Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism Essay The continuing phenomenon of globalization has caused scholars to recognize distinctions and ultimately relationships between the global and local in the context of social, political and cultural affairs. â€Å"Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture†by Ulf Hannerz approaches an understanding of the relationship between cosmopolitanism and locality in the world through the lens of the individual, while Mary Kaldor’s â€Å"Cosmopolitanism Versus Nationalism: The New Divide? addresses the conflict between the application of cosmopolitanism in the political arena and notions of new nationalism. Together these articles suggest the seemingly oppositional forces of global and local are interdependent and recognize the declining influence of the nation-state and territorial boundaries as means for identity. Hannerz asserts cosmopolitanism as a perspective or approach to grappling with meaning, and addresses the views assumed by cosmopolitan individuals. Cosmopolitans seek to engage and participate with other cultures, for â€Å"the perspective of the cosmopolitan must entail relationships to a plurality of cultures understood as distinctive entities†(Hannerz 239). Hannerz claims cosmopolitanism as an orientation towards diversity, such that the individual experience can be characteristic of several different cultures. In experiencing different cultures, the cosmopolitan seeks contrast not uniformity. This mind-set, as Hannerz suggests, requires a kind of competence in which the individual attains the â€Å"personal ability to make one’s way into other cultures, through listening, looking, intuiting and reflecting†(Hannerz 239). This cultural competence is required for integrating oneself into a foreign system of affairs and engaging in a particular culture. In addressing the cosmopolitan’s competence with regard to foreign cultures, Hannerz points out a paradoxical relation between notions of mastery and surrender. We will write a custom essay sample on Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer While a cosmopolitan may piece together separate cultural experiences to shape his own perspective, Hannerz affirms a cosmopolitan must surrender to all the elements of an alien culture in order to truly experience it. Thus a sense of mastery comes from surrendering cultural origins, for â€Å"cosmopolitan’s surrender to the alien culture implies personal autonomy vis-a-vis the culture where he originated†(Hannerz 240). This implies that the cosmopolitan may disengage from his culture of origin to engage in alien cultures and vice-versa. This engagement differentiates from that of a tourist. While tourists act as spectators to a culture, cosmopolitans refute the notions of tourism and seek participation. Hannerz asserts a cosmopolitan’s dependence on locals. He introduces the concern that the emergence of a world culture will result in the homogenization of the global resulting in the loss of local culture. However, Hannerz contends that cosmopolitans, like locals, carry a shared interest in cultural diversity and the preservation of local culture. Yet, in order for cosmopolitans to engage themselves in alien cultures, these cultures must be willing to accommodate them. An interdependent relationship exists, therefore, between cosmopolitanism and locality, in which locals must accommodate cosmopolitans and cosmopolitans seek to preserve cultural diversity. Mary Kaldor characterizes globalization as a reorganization of power, which places emphasis on the global and local while undermining the influence of the nation-state. Kaldor points out the shift from vertically organized cultures, which were determined by territory and religion, to horizontally organized cultures that emerged from transnational networks. This process of globalization creates inclusive transnational networks of people and, in doing so, it leaves out the expansive majority. In terms of economic effects, globalization has caused the supply of products to be based on demand and not territorially based mass production. Kaldor asserts this economic shift has caused â€Å"global and local levels of organization [to] have grown in importance while national levels of organization, associated with an emphasis on production, have correspondingly declined†(Kaldor 44). Globalization has caused a transition from emphasis on nation-state level collaboration to global and local levels of collaboration. Kaldor asserts the growth of transnational institutions has promoted direct links between local and global efforts. Local and regional politics have influenced formal and informal forms of cooperation between separate countries, such as eco-friendly initiatives to recycle and control waste. Also, Kaldor notes that nongovernmental organizations have played a role in bypassing national governance to promote humanitarian efforts. These NGOs â€Å"are most active at the local and transnational levels partly because these are the sites of the problems they are concerned with and partly because the formulation of national policy remains the closely guarded province of nationally organized political parties†(Kaldor 45). Despite NGOs having little influence over national governments, national forms of government are increasing transnational links and, as a result, government organizations are decentralizing and becoming more horizontally organized. Kaldor addresses the notion of new nationalism as a response to globalization, which affirms the weakening influence of nation-states. This notion of new nationalism presupposes â€Å"a renewed commitment to existing nation-states and a rediscovery or reinvention of past greatness and past injustices†(Kaldor 48). Kaldor asserts a â€Å"we-them†distinction in which â€Å"we†identifies a common culture and â€Å"them†identifies a foreign enemy on the basis of military threat or separate ethnicity. This new nationalism comes from a reaction to the weakening legitimacy of political classes and a reaction to globalization by virtue of the â€Å"new legal and illegal ways of making a living that have sprung up among the excluded parts of society†(Kaldor 49). This new nationalism is used as a form of political mobilization, yet historically the use of nationalism as a source of political mobility has proven to be a cause of corruption. Kaldor explains that since globalization generates efficiency and high productivity through technology and concern of local demand, the unemployment rate among factory workers has risen. This creates resentment to notions of globalization by the unemployed and, thus, the desire for nation-state protection of jobs. Kaldor asserts this is counter-productive and suggests a solution in which a â€Å"transnational layer of governance†¦would co-exist with other layer[s] –national, local, and regional†to protect local communities and help with problems such as pollution, violence and poverty (Kaldor 54). Kaldor claims that resting political power in the forum of nation-states is inefficient since nation-states have become impotent. While Mary Kaldor provides a focused social/political account of cosmopolitanism and Hannerz offers an account centered on individual experiences, both articles affirm the mutual relationship between notions of cosmopolitanism and locality. Kaldor claims â€Å"the divide between cosmopolitanism and nationalism [which] can be interpreted as a contest for the post-nation-state political order –between those who favor a new diversity of transnational, national and local forms of sovereignty and those who want to build fractional territorial fiefdoms†(Kaldor 56). Both authors agree on the merits of promoting international networks and refute the arbitrary drawing of territorial lines to empower nation-states and instead favor the empowerment of transnational processes that place emphasis on relations between the local and global. Bibliography Hannerz, Ulf. 1990. â€Å"Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture†Theory, Culture, and Society 7:237-251. Kaldor, Mary. 1996. â€Å"Cosmopolitanism vs. Nationalism, The New Divide? †from Richard Caplan and John Feffer, eds. Europe’s New Nationalisms: Stats and Minorities in Conflict. Oxford University Press. 42-57.
Monday, November 25, 2019
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird the theme is lo Essays - Film
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird the theme is lo Essays - Film In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird the theme is loneliness. What is loneliness? Loneliness is how people or characters are isolated in their own way. This is an important theme in the book because it reoccurs often in the novel with almost every character. One example of loneliness would be Mrs. Dubose struggling with her addiction and not wanting to die. Mayella Ewell , another example of loneliness in the novel, deals with her not even know what love is. One final example of a person who deals with this problem would be most importantly Boo Radley who is almost nothing in the Maycomb community ; he is the prime example of lon eliness. The first example is Mrs. Dubose , she presented herself in a way that revealed anger and hate. However, the children find out that she really does care about how she presents herself and they see some of her struggles. Though , this fact does not become apparent to the children until Mrs. Dubose dies. In the story Jem acts out in rage against Mrs. Dubose' hatful remark s about his father. When he knocks all of the flowers in her garden over, Atticus' punishment was for the children to visit her every day to read with her. Reading with her was to keep her occupied while she is discouraging herself off of her Morphine doses. Eventually she is able to quit with the help of the children. The real reason for her desire to quit was that she didn't want to die addicted, so in other words, she cared what others thought about her , she just wanted to prevent herself from being alone. The second example in the novel is when Scout thinks that Mayella Ewell is lonelier than Boo, because of when Atticus asked her if she had any friends, Mayella acted like she didn't know what friends were. Scout also thinks this because people don't want to be around a poor girl that "lived among pigs. " D uring the trial we see that Mayella doesn't know what manners are because her father has never taught her any . She lacks love and appreciation. She doesn't know what is accept able or what is not acceptable. The possible reason why Mayella reached out to Tom Robinson is because she was lonely and had no one to look out for her. Because of how poor her family is, she is even lonelier than Boo. One final example of loneliness is Boo Radley. He is a prime example of loneliness due to the fact that he has allowed his loneliness to turn into fear . Boo is worse than Mayella when it comes to constantly staying inside of the house. He stays in his house so much , the children in Maycomb have create d stories and rumours about him that are not at all true. Anyone who reads To Kill a Mockingbird will find out how good of a person Boo Radley really is. The reader will see how he tries to communicate with Jem and Scout by putting gifts into a knothole in a tree by his house, as well as, how he ultimately saves their lives. However, he begin s to be more open and not be as afraid of people even though he is still very lonely. There are many examples of loneliness throughout the book. There is Mrs. Dubose with her Morphine addiction, Mayella struggling with social and family neglect, and Boo Radley just being lonely and staying in his house. However , loneliness can also be a powerful emotion in real life. There are lonely people who walk the streets every day and unlike Boo Radley do not even have a home. In other words, lonel iness can eventually destroy our lives if we choose not to do anything about or allow it to control us. Though , if we make an effort like Mrs. Dubose does, we can achieve more joy than ever before.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analysis and Recommendation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis and Recommendation - Case Study Example Some of these technological projects include the use of automated sales system, automated payment system and modern social relation management. 1. There should be a centralized information technology system that ensures that individual sales personals and stores do not keep different information. This recommendation would have to start with the networking of the information technology systems that exists in individual stores. 2. In order to increase the trust of customers for the future sustainability of the company, customers need to be brought closer to the company. It is therefore recommended that the company develops an effective customer relationship management plan that will be focused on the use of new media to attract existing and new customers closer to the company. 3. As SUH is about to change its sales trend and pattern from purchase to rentals, it is highly recommended that all staff on the sales support department be taken through a comprehensive in-service training that will bring the staff up to date with the new trend to take off. The absence of such a training process will affect the work output of staff for the new changes in a negative way because they will not be very much abreast with the new system. The technology solution that will be suggested for the improvement of customer relationship management in the company is the use of customer social network. This is a very simple but highly powerful technological tool and system that can be used to improvement the customer relationship that exists between a company and its customers. Sight must not be lost of the fact that customers are the lifeline to every company and that the survival of every company depends largely on customers. For this reason, any programs that put customers first must highly be appreciated. Customer social network makes use of the new
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 69
Case Study - Essay Example Today, the Company could be converted into a Public Limited Company where the public is allowed to invest in as a way of raising finances and also creating ownership. The Carrier Engineering Companys strength lied in the fact that it was a unique product penetrating the market. Beverage companies, Medical laboratories, households all use this product to regulate the temperature of their products or goods. Some products can only be used during hot seasons, and that is a major weakness. The product is in high demand during hot seasons thus providing an excellent opportunity. Another opportunity exists with companies that use coolers to manufacture or preserve their products. Fluctuation in weather poses as a major threat especially the cold season. The other threat back then was financial stability and clientele. With the current weather, the product is still much relevant in ensuring a "well-regulated environment"(Carrier, 2015). The cooler is also widely used by companies across the continent to enhance their products life. A cooler is also utilized in the manufacture of most of the products that we have in the market today such as laptops, and refrigerators. It is important to define your product. For Willis and the Carrier Company, a quality product is essential to getting referrals. It is also important to work with other companies that use coolers in the manufacturing process of their products. A good relationship with clients and an efficient customer service will ensure the company has an edge over other firms. A room for clients comment and feedback concerning the product is also important and consideration of the same. Willis carrier would need to make use of the balance sheet and the income statement of his company and that of his subsidiaries. The balance sheet will show him where his company stands at that particular point in time. The
Monday, November 18, 2019
Turtles Can Fly, Bahman Ghobadi (2005) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Turtles Can Fly, Bahman Ghobadi (2005) - Essay Example The mines that are made in America are the best mines according to him. Ironically, he gets injured by an American mine later in the movie. Turtles Can Fly makes use of imagery beautifully through which the audience can easily see the horrid state of the refugees and be thankful that it is not out there itself. For instance, in a long-shot, it appears as if there is a cattle grazing in the field but the close-up reveals that those are children picking up mines. This is almost like the life of those children is being compared to that of animals thus revealing the sad state in which the children are. The children do very dangerous work and their state is pitiable. Yet, they are able to enjoy the trivial things and events that they come across while being in the refugee camp. In one scene, Pashow, who has a broken leg, taunts a Turkish guard on the border and is not worried that he is putting his life into danger while doing that. A very important point is that the movie is closely related to the US-Iraq war but there is no bias or a tilt towards any side by any of the characters. The children in the movie are too busy in survival to have an opinion on the war. This gives the audience a very important message that many of those who are directly involved in the circumstances created by the war are largely unconcerned with victory or loss. They just look to get their own lives in order. This message can also be seen in the shot of a turtle which is thrown into water by the blind child but it is shown like it is flying. This indicates freedom and happiness. The war is revealed to the audience in visions of Henkov. This shows that the real war happens in the background and the focus is on its casualties. The red fish are used as a metaphor serving as a trophy which gives Satellite a sense of accomplishment. He dives in the lake to look for red fish but never finds any. He gets a few from Shirko
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Tools And Techniques Used In Environmental Analysis Tourism Essay
Tools And Techniques Used In Environmental Analysis Tourism Essay Environmental analysis is a very important part of decision making. Managers need to take this aspect of taking decisions very seriously. It has been proved time and time again that decisions that are made from gut feelings or instincts may not work how the manager envisioned it to work out. It is always better for analysis to be done and different scenarios to be worked out to see how a decision can work out. This reduces the risk associated with taking decisions. This process of analyzing the environment is a dynamic process not a static process. The environment in which an organization works in is divided into internal and external environment its respective factors. The following article talks about the tools and techniques which are used in analyzing the factors of the business environment. Introduction: Strategic management is also called institutional management. It is the art and science of the creation of strategies and plans, the implementation and evaluation of these strategies and plans which helps an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. In this process the organizations mission, vision and objectives are discussed and developed. After these objectives are developed, the policies, plans, with respect to projects and programs, are designed, and then resources are allocated or budgeted to implement them and achieve the objectives. (wikipedia n.d.) Strategic management consists of a set of activities that come under setting goals and over the process of putting together tactics to achieve these goals and objectives. How strategic management is carried out depends on the organizational structure of the company. The Board of Directors, the management team as well as other stake holders of the company can be involved in these activities that fall under strategic management. Strategy can be defined as unified, comprehensive and integrated plan that maps the strategic advantages of the organization to the challenges of the environment. It is designed to ensure that the core objectives of the enterprise are achieved through the proper execution by the organization. (Jauch and Glueck 1988) Formulating a strategy for achieving an objective or a set of objectives is a combines three main processes which are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ By analyzing the situation, evaluating themselves and comparing themselves with their competitors i.e. internal and external as well as micro-environmental and macro-environmental. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ After this assessment, the objectives are determined. These objectives should be created with respect to a time-line; where some are short-term and others are long-term objectives. This involves creating a vision statement, a mission statement, setting corporate level, strategic business unit level and tactical level objectives. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ These objectives should be studied along with the results of the situation analysis and a strategic plan can be formulated which will provide details of how to achieve these objectives. Environmental analysis begins from the identification of environmental factors (internal and external), assessing their nature and the impact of these factors and making various profiles for positioning of the firm. All the decisions taken by the organization and the impact of these decisions depend on the organizations internal and external environmental factors. These environmental factors should be carefully analyzed before taking any decisions. Environmental analysis is made up of the processes which scan, monitor, analyze, and forecasts the situations which the organization can face and variables of the environment. Scanning is done to get information from the environment. Monitoring is done to test the impact of the environmental factors. Analyzing deals with data collection and the use of tools and techniques to study and measure the environmental factors. Forecasting is a method to find the possibilities of the future based on the historical data and present scenario. (Busine ss Environment Analysis n.d.) Different tools, methods, and techniques are used for environmental analysis. Some of the major methods of analysis are benchmarking, scenario building and network methods. Scenario building gives an overall picture of the total system with the factors which affect it. Benchmarking is the process of finding the best standards in an industry and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the firm with these identified standards. The network method is used to assess organizational systems and its external environment to find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by an organization. (Agarwal n.d.) Few of the techniques of primary information collection are brainstorming, the Delphi technique, conducting surveys, and historical enquiry. The Delphi technique collects independent information from the experts without mixing them. Brainstorming is done with a group of people usually cross-functional which discuss the problem in hand and try to come up with solutions irres pective of whether the solution is feasible or not. Conducting a survey first involves the design of questions and then asking these questions to people who become the participants. The historical enquiry technique is a case analysis of previous time periods. Analysis tools can be descriptive tools such as mean, median, mode, frequency or tools can be statistical such as ANOVA, correlation, regression, factor, cluster, and multiple regression analysis. (BADU 2002) SWOT analysis: Figure 2.1 A study of the internal and the external environment is a critical component of the strategic planning process. The firms internal environmental factors can be classified as strengths (S) or weaknesses (W), and those factors which act as external agents to the firm can be classified as opportunities (O) or threats (T). This is called SWOT analysis. (QuickMBA n.d.). This analysis gives information that is useful in matching the organizations resources and abilities to the environment in which it operates. 2.1 The SWOT Matrix: A matrix of these factors can be constructed. This matrix will be helpful in developing the strategies for the firm. The SWOT matrix (also known as a TOWS Matrix) is shown in the next page: SWOT / TOWS Matrix Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities S-O strategies W-O strategies Threats S-T strategies W-T strategies Table 2.1 S -O strategies helps to pursue identified opportunities fit well according to strengths of the firm. W-O strategies helps to overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities identified. S-T strategies identifies ways in which the firm can use its strengths to reduce its vulnerability to external threats. W -T strategies establishes plans to overcome the firms weaknesses and less vunerable to external threats. Environmental analysis or external audit: The organizations should adapt themselves and their strategy to the external environment which is constantly changing. The external environment is also called macro environment. These forces of the external environment cannot be controlled and can be analyzed using a variety of tools and techniques such as Environmental Scanning and PEST analysis. 3.1 Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning is defined as the process that seeks information about events and relationships in a firms environment, the knowledge of which help top management chart the firms future. Environmental scanning is used to gather information from the environment. In this process, the external environment is divided into sectors or areas such as political, economic, cultural, technological and further analysis such as PEST analysis can be done after scanning the environment. Information is collected by monitoring and forecasting any changes that occur to the variables of the environment that have been identified earlier. This collection of information helps the organizations to find out where they are lacking and what exactly they need which helps them in formulating the strategies. (Acar 1995) 3.2 PEST Analysis PEST analysis identifies the external forces that affect the organization such as Political, Economic, Social and Technological drivers. It is very useful for the organization when used together with other tools such as the SWOT analysis. (wikipedia n.d.) Political Factors These factors may have a direct or an indirect impact on the way the organization operates. Laws made by the government may have a huge impact on the way business is conducted by the organization. Economic Factors Economic factors such as the market prices and market cycles which in turn affects the buying power and the behavior of the organizations customers. Sociological Factors Sociological factors include the lifestyles, demography characteristics, and the cultural habits and characteristics of the customers. These factors have a huge sway on the requirements and desires of the customers and also affects the size of potential markets. Technology Factors Technological changes have an important role in modeling how organizations operate with the resources that they have. Technology is a factor which is very important to gain a competitive advantage over the closest competition. Technological innovations can also improve the efficiency of production, speed and quality. Evolving technologies will change how organizations operate. 3.3 Porters Five Forces Model Analysis: Michael Porter is credited for his five forces model of competitive strategy. The power of each of these forces varies from industry to industry, but taken together they determine long-term profitability. These five factors will affect the strategies which will be adopted by the organization and hence should be carefully analyzed. To be successful, the organization must respond in an effective manner to the environmental pressures exerted on it. (Kazmi 2002) The diagram given on the next page shows the five forces of this model. C:UsershaiDesktopPorter.GIF Figure 3.1 Internal environmental analysis: The resources, strengths, behaviors, weakness and distinctive competences are major components of the internal environment of an organization. An organization uses different types of resources which help them achieve their objectives and the way in which they utilize their resources can be the source of their strengths or weaknesses. This can also be defined as organizational capability which is used to develop the strategies and objectives which the organization can achieve and these should not unrealistic according to its capabilities. Some of the components of the internal environment of an organization are: 4.1 Organizational Resources These are all the tangible and intangible inputs used in the organization to create the outputs of the organizations product or services. 4.2 Organizational Behavior The behavior of an organization demonstrates is the result of forces operating internally which will determine the abilities of the organization or constraints in the usage of resources. 4.3 Competency Competency of an organization is the ability to do what its competitors cannot do or the ability to do better than what they can do. This concept is used for strategy formulation. Conclusion: It can be seen that the analysis of the environment is critical to the success of the decisions that managers have to make which have widespread impact on the functions and processes of the business.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Comparing Wuthering Heights and A Room of Ones Own :: comparison compare contrast essays
Wuthering Heights and A Room of One's Own               From the time that Emily Bronte penned Wuthering Heights in 1847 to the time that Virginia Woolf wrote A Room of One's Own in 1929, the 80 plus year period brought tremendous change to literature and for women authors.  In the early Victorian era when women writers were not accepted as legitimate, Emily Bronte found it necessary to pen her novel under the name "Mr. Ellis Bell" according to a newspaper review from 1848 (WH 301).  According to The Longman Anthology of British Literature, "Women had few opportunities for higher education or satisfying employment" (1794) and the "ideal Victorian woman was supposed to be domestic and pure, selflessly motivated by the desire to serve others..." (1794). The Bronte sisters partook of many of the typical duties of the Victorian age such as taking on governess duties and teaching jobs (Bradbury p. 106). The Victorian era must have dictated the pen names that the Bronte sisters found it necessary to use though.  80 years later, Virginia Woolf did not have to hide behind a masculine pen name. She is considered "a major author, of whatever gender" (Longman, p. 2445). Woolf, not only was accepted as a female author, but the subjects which she wrote about would never have been touched in the time of the Bronte sisters. In her career, Woolf wrote about subjects such as "sexual politics, society and war" (Longman p. 2445) and was instrumental in establishing and running the Hogarth Press for years (2447). In "A Room of One's Own", Woolf candidly examines the role of women in literature and literature about women and concludes that a woman needs "money and a room of her own" in order to write fiction (2457). In this piece, she examines the role of women in history with much contempt especially regarding the difficulty in raising funds to build a women's college. "What had our mothers been doing then that they had not wealth to leave us? Powdering their noses? Loo king in at shop windows?" (Longman, 2466). Woolf w as dissatisfied that women were left behind in the literary world and she did much to change this by advancing educational opportunities for women. "The sense of having been deliberately shut out of education by virtue of her sex, was to inflect all of Woolf's writing and thinking" (2446).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Economics †Supply and Demand of Beef in the United States Essay
Imagine a life with no hamburger or milk. How would this make you feel? Do you think you would be able to survive? I know I wouldn’t be able to. Both milk and red meat are important in a daily diet. These two items come from cattle. Cattle and beef in general are a necessity to everyday living. â€Å"The importance of beef cattle in the agriculture of this country rests chiefly upon their ability to convert coarse forage, corn, grass, and other products of the land, wither unfit or not wanted for human consumption, into a valuable and much-desired food. Lets face it, we aren’t going to be eating grass or grain pellets anytime soon. Cattle eat grain pellets, grass, forage, and other stuff that humans don’t consume. The cow has a much more desirable flavor inside. Can you picture now eating a juicy prime rib sandwich? This is just one of the many items a cow produces. Local farmers in rural communities are working hard to produce the high demands for beef. â€Å" Hamburger meat from one steer would equal 720 quarter-pound hamburgers, enough for a family of four to enjoy hamburgers each day for nearly six months. They are looking ways to produce higher quality beef. The cattle producers are now artificially inseminating the cattle with better genetics to help make the quality of beef higher. According to Present and Future Applications of DNA Technologies to Improve Beef Production, substantial improvements in production efficiency and quality of beef and dairy products have been made possible through manipulation of bovine genetics. Milk comes from cows and that’s what gives you strong bones and lower carbohydrates which are essential for everyone’s daily diet. Also beef is the number one source of zinc in the human diet. The meat is filled with nutrients that help your body get what it needs to stay healthy. It is an excellent way to keep your immune system going strong and not feeling sick, weak, or tired all the time. Being healthy not only makes you look better on the outside, but also on the inside. Being healthy helps with depression, and eating red meat and getting the essential nutrients helps with all of this. Being a cattle raiser myself, I know that there are many factors to consider when producing the cattle that produce the meat. Many people say that cows are wasting the land and that their waste is filling up the land space and causing the manure to destroy the land. This is false. The manure that the cow lets out is extremely vital to the pasture. It is a great fertilizer and gives the nutrients that land needs most. This helps with growing crops as well as flowers and plants.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Struggle For Democracy In China
The Struggle For Democracy In China Democracy has been the objective in controversial struggles for a multitude of nations. Though the meaning of democracy changes each time it translates into a different language, and might not propose the same idea to everyone everywhere. For example, democracy translated into Chinese is "minzhu", or "people-as-masters". This ideology is not a concept deep-seated in Chinese culture or it's political philosophy. It actually goes completely against Confucian beliefs, "which stresses harmony and obedience. But neither is democracy a concept that has just recently taken hold in the minds of Chinese youth who have seen the wonders of democracy in Western-style discos and fast food"‚ (Barme par. 2). The youths' concluded that these luxuries were achieved through democracy and if China converted, then they too will get the amenities that western countries have. But more importantly, they longed for ideas such as: an end to corruption, freedom of expression, free elections, accurate news reporting, etc.Tiananmen Square as seen from the Tiananmen Gate i...These were the desires that led to the pro-democracy movement and the events that occurred at Tiananmen Square.The first gathering at the Tiananmen Square was to commemorate the death of Former Party General Secretary Hu Yaobang. Then the official memorial service for him was held in the Great Hall of the People where three student representatives demanding to meet with Premier Li Peng, carried a petition and kneeled on the steps of the Great Hall in front of a hundred thousand students. Li Peng did not respond to the students and they refused to let minor officials pass on the petition. Angered by the officials' indifference to their petition, the students decide to boycott their classes.On April 26 the Communist Party newspaper People's Daily published an editorial saying that the student protests are just an "organized conspiracy to sew chaos." Not long after over...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in South Korea The WritePass Journal
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in South Korea Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in South Korea Introduction ReferenceRelated Introduction In South Korea the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) developed from past 20 years ago and as well the country developed in socially and economically. The main CSR activity involved in Korea to community by volunteering, charity programmes, creating a new bright generations, eco-friendly business process. The different expression are use in CSR such as Corporate Citizenship, Corporate philanthropy, Corporate Diplomacy and Sustainable Development which are commonly used. In Korea the companies perform a major role in social responsible activities. The survey conducted by the industrial Association Federation of Korean industries (KFI) in 2006 about 75% of the 120 companies developed CSR activities. The leading companies such as kt, Samsung, sk energy, Hyundai-Kia Motor Group, and Hynix. These companies spend 2% of their profit for CSR activities. Through THE CSR events the companies create a good image in the community, second increased improvement of profit and value of the company. Thus these, the social involvement of companies in Korea has a major impact on customers behaviour According to survey conducted by the Korean chamber of industry and trade (2007),80% of the 500 people measured an d understood that they wished to buying things from companies that perform CSR activities. Through the these activities customers to increase trust towards the companies. On 2008 the directors of the FKI approved a official agenda for companies to increase their commitment towards the community. Thus the companies force to themselves to take on economic, legal, ethical, public responsibilities. In 2008, FKI approved a official resolution to increase the social involvement of companies. Thus the member companies force themselves to take on economic responsibility, legal responsibility, moral responsibility and â€Å"social responsibility. Activities for this include, the establishment of a CSR committee that should monitoring whether the companies are take up their duties, the development of the relationship among the employers and employees to rise productivity and competitive skills, as well as the reassurance of a society of donation and charitable aid activities. NGOs, consumer organizations, etc. have also newly publicized great notice in involvement companies’ to the environment. Thus, for example, the umbrella organization of the environmental NGOs, the Korean Federation of Environment Movement (KFEM), has introduced a platform called SMILE (Sustainable Management and Investment Guideline) with which it judges companies CSR actions. The Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility guides companies on the publication of so-called global reporting initiative reports.  Reference
Monday, November 4, 2019
Diplomacy game Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Diplomacy game - Essay Example The result of the war led tans to occupy more territory than the Zionist movement in the 20th century. During the 1919 period, the greens stated at the Paris Peace Conference that they forcefully wanted to acquire the tans Jordan Valley (now West Bank) and Litani (Lebanon’s river); for its economy stability. During the 1967 war, the tans exclusively took over the West Bank’s waters and the Galilee Sea but lost Litani. Through acquisition of the two large water bodies, the tans gained 80% of fresh water (1 billion m2 annually) leaving the greens with only 20%. The greens are further prohibited from using ‘their water’ by the tans belligerent military, leading them buy from the tans at inflated prices (Asser Para 13). In times when the tans and its greens-territory water diminish, the greens are normally the first victims to be victims to be victimized through water rationing. The greens agricultural economy continues to reduce due to lack of sufficient water-bodies (Asser Para 18). b) In most recent times, the tans military have been using depleted uranium weapons (DIME); Dense Inert Metal Explosive, to kill innocent civilians and children (Khan Para 6). The tans report its effort is to eradicate the greens militant groups who consistently fire against the tans. There have been diplomatic adventures to end the truce to no avail. The greens health ministry has reported numerous deaths and casualties’, majority of them being civilians and children. The weapons being used are far more advanced than NATO’s weaponry in combating terrorism. The lethal weapons are made from tungsten alloy which have massive power during explosion. After the explosion, its coverage does not reach very far about 10 meters but the people around that region are left cut and with severe burns (Khan Para 4). The tans are using the unconventional weapons against the Hamas; the greens proclaimed terrorists. Based on Khan Para 9 the tans military combated 10 sites used by the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Drinking and Driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Drinking and Driving - Essay Example As a result, we have lost many lives of people through accidents that are caused by drunk drivers (Stearn 49). It is this increased accidents caused by drivers who drink and drive that have left us with many question in regard to what we should do to stop it hence leading to this study. In order to ensure credibility of this study, researchers will use accurate and real time data that will be collected from different departments of traffic across the world (Stearn 77). Decent methods of data collection will also be used so as to enhance credibility and accuracy of the data collected. If we manage to stop people from drinking and driving, we will reduce road accidents by about 50%, and improve transport systems all over the world. Therefore, it is responsibility of everybody to come up and help address this issue (Grosshandler & Grosshandler-Smith 42). Currently, there are many orphans and children with single parents who lost their parents through road accidents that were caused by drinking and driving. Hence, these orphans have become burden to society and government (Grosshandler & Grosshandler-Smith 60). Many families have also lost their breadwinners via drinking and driving hence they live in poverty. Since drinking and driving has proved to be a global problem, all governments are supposed to come together and address it thoroughly. They should use all means possible to ensure that this problem has come to an end (Mendralla & Grosshandler 54). Strict laws and penalties will reduce significantly the problem of drinking and driving. This is because in most countries, traffic laws are not strict thus people do not fear fines which in turn encourage drinking and driving (Mendralla & Grosshandler 63). Drinking and driving is one of the major factors which cause many problems in the by societies and governments all over the world
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